Swechha Chada

Assistant Professor

Area of Expertise: Corporate Financing, Institutional Investors, Economic Policy Uncertainties

Dr. Swechha Chada is a PhD (Finance & Accounting) from IIM Tiruchirappalli. Her research interests lie in the area of corporate finance and corporate governance, particularly, ownership structure, governance, firm transparency and their influence on firm’s behavior and outcomes. She is interested in teaching core courses like Corporate Finance and electives like Strategic Financial Management, Valuation and Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management. Swechha Chada has presented her research work at various national and international conferences and doctoral consortiums like International Corporate Governance Society conference, IFABS 2021 Oxford Conference, NACRA 2021 and Paper Development Workshops held by Corporate Governance: An International Review and British Academy of Management. Her research papers are under review and few more in the process of submission at reputed peer reviewed academic journals. She has also written newspaper articles in Financial Express related to her research.

Swechha has served as a teaching assistant for the post-graduate electives at IIM Trichy. She has also served as a reviewer for the journal Management Decision and volunteered at various levels in organizing national and international conferences.

Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=M0b05KsAAAAJ&hl=en

Select Conference Presentations

  • ‘Earnings Quality, Institutional Investors and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from India’ at CGIR Doctoral Consortium and Paper Development Workshop 2021
  • ‘The Future of Retail – Reliance and Future Retail Deal’, NACRA 2021
  • ‘Cash flow Sensitivity of Cash Holdings to Controlling Shareholders: Evidence from India’, IFABS 2021 Oxford Conference


Peer reviewed journal articles

  • Chada, S., & Varadharajan, G. (2023). Earnings quality, institutional investors and corporate cash holdings: evidence from India. International Journal of Managerial Finance. (ABDC - A)
  • Chada, S. (2023). Economic policy uncertainties and institutional ownership in India. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 27, e00293.  (ABDC - B)
  • Chada, S., & Banerjee, S.  (Forthcoming) Stretch or Suppress: Role of Owners and Nominee Directors in Financial Distress. Journal of Emerging Market Finance. (ABDC - B)

Policy Publications


  • Cornell University
  • Chicago Booth
  • Skema Business School
  • Universite Bordeaux
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
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