Sridhar Samu

Clinical Faculty
Great Lakes Institute of Management

Area of Expertise: Marketing

Sridhar Samu is Associate Professor of Marketing. Before joining Great Lakes, he has worked at the Indian School of Business, University of Manitoba, and Memorial University. His main research interests are in the area of information processing, as applied to brand and social marketing. He has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and other international journals.  


Research Interests

Brand building and nurturing aspects of brand management, Nonprofit- Business Alliances and social marketing

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Teenagers’ eWOM intentions: A Nature vs. Nurture perspective, Anubhav Mishra, Satish SM, Moutusy Maity, and Sridhar Samu, accepted for publication at Marketing Intelligence and Planning.
  • Adolescent’s eWOM Intentions: An Investigation into the roles of Peers, the Internet, and Gender, Anubhav Mishra, Satish S. Maheswarappa, Moutusy Maity, and Sridhar Samu, accepted for publication at the Journal of Business Research,
  • Advertising Effectiveness: Examining the Role of Latent Themes on Advertising Success, Prakash Satyavageeswaran, MG Parameswaran, and Sridhar Samu, accepted at the Association for Consumer Research conference, October 2016.
  • Risk Perceptions of Mutual Funds – Evidence from an Experimental Approach (2014); Nalinaksha Bhattacharyya, Bruce A. Huhmann, and Sridhar Samu, Journal of Finance Issues, volume 13, 2, pages 40-53.
  • Cause Marketing Communications: Effect of Consumer Inference on Attitudes towards Brand and Cause (2014), Sridhar Samu and Walter Wymer, European Journal of Marketing, Volume 48, issue 7/8, pages 1333-1353.
  • Impact of Brand-Building Activities and Franchisee Brand Equity on Retailer Brand Communities (2012), Sridhar Samu, Preeti Krishnan Lyndem, and Reginald Litz, European Journal of Marketing, Volume 46, issue 11, 1581-1601.
  • The Effect of Country Related Brand Associations and Product Attributes on Attitude Toward Unfamiliar Foreign Brands: A Schema Congruity Perspective (2011), Sergio Carvalho, Sridhar Samu and Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23, 2, 135-150
  • Brand Related Information as Context: The Impact of Brand Name Characteristics on Memory and Choice (2010), Sridhar Samu and Shanker Krishnan, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38, 456-470
  • The Impact of Smokers’ Group Membership and Activist Gender on Tolerance for Smoking, Receptiveness, and Perceived Susceptibility to Anti-Smoking Messages and Likelihood of Anti-Smoking Activism (2009), Namita Bhatnagar and Sridhar Samu, Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, Volume 21, 2: 113-138.
  • The Influence of Cause Marketing Associations on Product and Cause Brand Value (2009), Walter Wymer and Sridhar Samu, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 14, 1-20
  • The Effect of Fit and Dominance in Cause Marketing Communications (2009), Sridhar Samu and Walter Wymer, Journal of Business Research, Volume 62, number 4 (April), 432-440.
  • Altruistic by Association, Altruistic for Advantage? Buying Groups and Small Firm Community Involvement (2008), Reginald Litz and Sridhar Samu, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Volume 37, number 4 (December), 646-667.
  • The Efficacy of Anti-Smoking Advertisements: The Role of Source, Message, and Individual Characteristics (2008), Sridhar Samu and Namita Bhatnagar, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 13, 3, 237-250.
  • Dimensions of Business and Nonprofit Collaborative Relationships (2003), Walter Wymer and Sridhar Samu, Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, Volume 11 (1), 3-22.
  • Nonprofit-Business Alliance Model: Formation and Outcomes (2001), Sridhar Samu and Walter Wymer Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, Volume 9 (1/2), 45-61.
  • Volunteer Service As Symbolic Consumption: Gender and Occupational Differences in Volunteering (2002), Walter Wymer and Sridhar Samu, Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 18, numbers 9/10, 971-989.
  • Using Advertising Alliances for New Product Introduction: Interactions between Product Complementarity and Promotional Strategies, Sridhar Samu, Shanker Krishnan and Robert Smith, in Journal of Marketing, Volume 63, Number 1, January 1999, pages 57-74.
  • Activity-Specific Role Stress in Purchasing, Ronald Michaels, Anand Kumar, and Sridhar Samu in International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management. Winter 1995, Volume 31, Number 4, pages 10-19.

Conference proceedings/Publications

  • Brand and Line Extensions: Role of Brand Associations In Choosing The Better Alternative (Complete Paper); Samu, Sridhar (1994) in Joseph A. Cote and Siew Meng Leong (eds.), Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 1, 1994.
  • Brand Extensions of Prototype Brands (Abstract); Samu, Sridhar (1998) in Margaret C. Campbell and Karen A. Machleit (eds.), Proceedings of the 1998 Winter Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology.
  • Nonprofit-Business Alliances: Formation and Outcomes (Abstract); Samu, Sridhar and Walter Wymer (2000) in Developments in Marketing Science, eds. Harlan E. Spotts and H. Lee Meadow, Volume XXXIII, Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, Florida; Page 224.
  • The Impact of Advertising on the Success of Brand and Line Extensions (Abstract), with Nadia Ducey (2001) in Developments in Marketing Science, eds. Melissa L. Moore and Robert S. Moore, Volume XXXIV, Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, Florida.
  • Volunteer Service as Symbolic Consumption: Gender and Occupational Differences in Volunteering (Abstract); Walter Wymer and Sridhar Samu (2001), AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Washington D.C.
  • Role of Advertising in the Success of Brand Extensions: Interaction Between Attribute Type and Ad Format (Abstract); Sridhar Samu and Nadia Ducey (2002) in AMA Winter Conference, Austin, TX.
  • Impact of Information Type and Involvement on Attitude: An Examination of Product Label Information (Abstract); Sridhar Samu and Shafyn Manji (2002) in Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Sanibel Island, Florida.
  • Social Advertising: Effects of Dominance and Fit on Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions (Abstract); Sridhar Samu and Walter Wymer (2002) in Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Sanibel Island, Florida.
  • Comparative Ads in India: Consumers’ Perception and Gender Differences (abstract) – presented at IIMK - NASMEI International Conference on Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets; With Sukanya Ashokkumar; December 2004
  • Exploring the Role of Retailers in Brand Communities: Brand Equity, Identification, and Performance in Trade Name Franchise, with Preeti Krishnan and Reg Litz, at ASAC, May 2006, Banff, Alberta. Received honorable mention award for the marketing division.

Competitive research awards received

  • AMA Sheth award for rupees 100,000

Reviewer for conference/Journal

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science/Journal of Business Research/ European Journal of Marketing

  • Reviewer, 2009-2000, & 1998 Association for Consumer Research Conference; 2008 Academy of Marketing Science, Cultural perspectives in Marketing conference; 2002, 2001, 2000 Atlantic Marketing Association Conference; 2001 ASAC Case Track; 1998 Society for Consumer Psychology conference; 1996 Special issue of Psychology & Marketing on Relationship Marketing; 1997 ACR European Conference.

Editorial Board member/Editor of Journals

  • Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing/Social Marketing Quarterly


  • Cornell University
  • Chicago Booth
  • Skema Business School
  • Universite Bordeaux
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
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