Call for papers

We are happy to announce that the 17th Great Lakes NASMEI (North American Society for Marketing Education in India) Marketing Conference has been scheduled for Dec 18th & 19th 2023 (Monday & Tuesday).

We request you to submit your extended abstracts. While we welcome entries in all areas of marketing, we are particularly interested in submissions that focus on the following broad areas:

  1. Sustainability and Social Impact
  2. Health and Well-being
  3. Identity and Self-expression
  4. AI and Marketing

The conference is characterized by high quality presentations, excellent networking opportunities (numerous delegates from leading schools in USA and Europe will be present), and exceptional hospitality.

We request you to submit an extended abstract. The abstract should be submitted as below:

  • In Microsoft Word; single-spaced lines with one-inch margin on all sides.
  • The font/size should be - Times New Roman size 12.
  • The submission should not exceed three pages.
  • Abstract submitted should have a representative list of references.

The last date to submit an extended abstract is October 31st 2023. You can email your submission to


  • Cornell University
  • Chicago Booth
  • Skema Business School
  • Universite Bordeaux
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
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